it depends on why you are biting them....
if you are biting them because you like chewing on something, then try chewing on something else. toothpicks work well because they are small and you can chew them all day can even get flavored ones. gum and mints will also work but will give you other issues, like tooth decay.
if you are biting because you are trying to get rid of hangnails, then trim your nails everyday.
if you are biting because you are nervous, try to learn some deep breathing and use it when you start to bite!
if none of these work, then you might be biting for another reason, like vitamin deficiency...
most likely, it is one of the other reasons and if you 'train' yourself to use another coping mechanism, then you will stop. it will take about twice as long as you've been biting them to fully be recovered, but you will see a difference as soon as you identify what's causing you to bite them.
good luck, this is a tough one.How do u stop biting your fingernails?
Depends on the ';why'; you do it. Absent minded habit, nervous habit, stress relief, etc? You can try one of a few things. The one that takes the most self-monitoring is to keep your nails trimmed up well and just make a mental note of when you do it, and stop it then. You can also either put a clear nail polish on your nails and hopefully the taste/texture difference will make you notice what you're doing and stop yourself. If you want to go crazy buy some of the ';bitter apple'; stuff for nail-biting or thumb-sucking and put that on your nails...You'll KNOW when you stick them in your mouth. Overall it's just basic conditioning to NOT do it.How do u stop biting your fingernails?
I know how hard it is to stop as i have tried before. the easiest way is to either gag your mouth so you cant bite or cut off your fingers. either them or you could try that nail polish stuff that tastes like a cows *** or something.
theres this nail stuff it's for guys and girls and you put it on your fingernails so they taste really really bad and then you'll stop biting them because of the taste!
Keep your hands busy. If you're sitting around and you get that urge, stand up and do something.
use the nail polish late tastes horrible. you wont want to go near you hands
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