Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What kind of supplements or foods might you use to achieve healthy, stronger, and harder fingernails?

The first answer was indeed correct. Eat jello. Lots of jello. It works.What kind of supplements or foods might you use to achieve healthy, stronger, and harder fingernails?
calcium. milk cheese etc.What kind of supplements or foods might you use to achieve healthy, stronger, and harder fingernails?
I think the best thing you can do to achieve stronger nails is to use a buffer at home regularly (once every 4 days or so) and then paint a clear nail strengthening varnish over the top. I think a balanced diet, low in fats and with plenty of variation helps as well. I used to have weak nails and buffing them and using the clear polish really worked. Mine are now long and really strong, people always ask how I manage to grow them. Give it a go, I used an Avon nail varnish, but this was 15 years ago that I did that and they are still strong!
eat jello is what i always heard, u can get skin and nail vitamins and Avon sells some polish that helps.
you need calcium and protein such as milk, beans, meat and eggs.

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