Sunday, August 1, 2010

White marks on fingernails from hitting on something hard?

how do you get rid of themWhite marks on fingernails from hitting on something hard?
There is no way to get rid of them until they grow out.

The other reasons may be true, but zinc won't do anything at this point.

What happens to the nail when you bang it really hard and it leaves a white mark is, your nail plate is quite flexible and for a brief second it's not laying flat against your nail bed, when you bang it, it comes off the nail bed for a second and leaves a little gap/pocket which is why it's appears white. It's fine, back ontop of the nail bed, but you'll have that mark until it's cut off, the whole nail itself should grow out in about 6-8 weeks, depending on your diet.

I know this answer is true, because I am a nail technician and had to learn all the lovely nail disease terms.

I hope this gives you a better understanding of why it turns white.

Oh and if you find anything that claims it's a cream that will help make it go away, it's a waste of money. Nothing will ever penetrate your nail plate because it's your body's defense mechanism to protect your body from infections.

If it is near the tip of your finger and you're worried about infections, you can use an antibiotic spray (not cream) to rub around the skin, to kill off any bacteria (you should be able to find that stuff in a nail salon)White marks on fingernails from hitting on something hard?
Im not sure if you can get rid of them, but my friend said there from lack of calcium. So I dont know truly.
I think you have to wait till they grow out, its a deformation of the nail from hitting something hard like you said. The best you can do is try not to hit your fingers.
no they mean you need more zinc.
You have to wait until they grow out. I get em all the time.

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